Thursday, August 5, 2010

Who's on the phone, I don't know why they called

I know this is going to sound like an Abbott and Costello comedy routine, but this is stuff you just can't make up. Mom and Pop recently got new credit cards that had to be activated by calling an 800 number. Mom got the call started and activated her card. Then she said to the agent that she would like to activate her husband's card. The agent says that she must speak directly to him to get the information and warned mom and I that we could not prompt him. Did I mention that my Pop somewhat deaf? The conversation that ensued went something like this:

Agent to Pop: I need you to state your name.

Pop with phone to his ear: There's no one on this phone.

Agent repeats: Your name please.

Pop to me: What do you want me to do with this phone? Hang it up?

Agent: I want to help you activate your card

Pop: Oh wait, I think I hear, nothing

Agent talking louder: OK, Albert, I have your name, what card number are you calling about?

Pop getting upset: I just can't hear, don't they know that?

Agent getting exasperated: Just answer "Yes" if this is your credit card number.

Pop: I think they want to know my phone number

Agent: Please put your daughter on the phone

Pop: What was that all about?

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