Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Parents' say the darndest things! Embarrassing Moment #1

As we get older, hearing fades and conversations get louder. Unfortunately, elder folk are not aware how loud their voices are, especially when you are sitting in close proximity to others such as in a doctor's office. Mom and Pop are big offenders. They think they are whispering, when in reality they are speaking quite loud and clear. In their minds, people can't hear them because they can't hear people.

On more than one occasion this has caused embarrassment. Pop enjoys a good game of I Spy at the doctor's office. During one visit he watched a rather large man enter the waiting room. Pop annouced, in what he thought was a whisper, "That's a big fellow" or "Look at the belly on that good ole' boy." Mom on the other hand will play, "Guess their Ailment" game. (Not yet available in stores) "She looks yellow," she will whisper loudly, "I'll bet she has liver disease." Then she will turn her attention to another patient, "That one's a smoker, lung cancer." she will declare. I sink lower in my chair and cast apologetic glances at individuals awaiting the doctor's care.

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