Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Celebrating Pop's 93rd Birthday at IHOP

IHOP is the favorite birthday destination for all nonagenarians...isn't it? (for those of you who are wondering nonagenarians are people between the ages of 90 and 99...but that's another story) Anyway, we are seated at a table for four getting ready to order when in walks a man, wearing very colorful vest and carrying a very large worn suitcase. As it turns out, Wednesday's at IHOP is a very special day and not just for Pop's birthday. It is balloon animal day! Well, Pop was thrilled with this entertainment that he was sure was prepared just for him. He even changed his seat to get a better view of the activities. After watching the "balloon man" make balloon flowers and balloon poodles for all the children, I approached him and asked him to make something special for Pop's birthday. He was glad to oblige. Pop was enthralled watching as the "balloon man's" creation came to life; a big, beautiful, colorful jester hat. Pop happily wore the hat all through dinner.

It was when we got home that the trouble began. I had just walked in from parking the car to hear Mom yelling at Pop. "What are you yelling at him for?" I asked, "It's his birthday."
"Oh, he broke his balloon hat," Mom said exaperated, "He just can't have anything nice!"

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