Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Parents' say the darndest things! Embarrassing Moment #1

As we get older, hearing fades and conversations get louder. Unfortunately, elder folk are not aware how loud their voices are, especially when you are sitting in close proximity to others such as in a doctor's office. Mom and Pop are big offenders. They think they are whispering, when in reality they are speaking quite loud and clear. In their minds, people can't hear them because they can't hear people.

On more than one occasion this has caused embarrassment. Pop enjoys a good game of I Spy at the doctor's office. During one visit he watched a rather large man enter the waiting room. Pop annouced, in what he thought was a whisper, "That's a big fellow" or "Look at the belly on that good ole' boy." Mom on the other hand will play, "Guess their Ailment" game. (Not yet available in stores) "She looks yellow," she will whisper loudly, "I'll bet she has liver disease." Then she will turn her attention to another patient, "That one's a smoker, lung cancer." she will declare. I sink lower in my chair and cast apologetic glances at individuals awaiting the doctor's care.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Health Class

Although Mom's rehab and recovery were remarkable after her stroke, she would still have days when she was confused. One particular day, my sons came home from school to find MomMom in her underwear sitting in the sunroom. They were very embarrassed until my husband jokingly exclaimed, "It just goes to show, no matter how many health classes you take...it never quite prepares you to see elder folk in their bra and bloomers!"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Pop is mentally sharp. He uses spoonerisms on a daily basis that baffle the novice linguist. In any conversation, he will throw in at least one or two spoonerisms. Now you probably wondering what are spoonerisms? By the time you finish reading this post, you will understand. Test yourself on these:

punish the fizzle       dash the wishes          shake a tower         cash the war

Did you understand what activites Pop was doing? He finished the puzzle, washed the dishes, took a shower and washed the car.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Getting the "Mailbag"

Pop leads a very simple life, filled with simple pleasures. One of those is getting the "mailbag." (Pop still thinks of it as the Pony Express.) He can't hear much anymore, but he can hear the low rumble of the mail truck as it makes its daily delivery. Like clockwork, Pop starts his journey down the driveway heading toward the mailbox. He removes the mail and shuffles back to the porch to sort the letters, catalogs and junk mail into piles. Mail addressed to Resident is randomly given to a pile. Every now and then, I get a Victoria Secret catalog. Pop tucks it at the bottom of his pile, saying to himself, "Oo, that's a good one!"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hot Dogs with Crescent Rolls

Mom is an excellent cook, although some of her skills have deteriorated since her stroke, she still prepares a meal once or twice a week. One night, Pop announced, "Soup's on!" (our customary call to supper) "What are we having tonight?" I asked. "Hotdogs with crescent rolls," mom announced while carefully taking them from the oven. As she placed the hotdogs on the table, I asked, "What about the cheese you usually put in the hotdogs?" Mom responded, "I don't know that recipe."

Friday, August 13, 2010

It has to be a Virgin

I took Mom grocery shopping the other day. We slowly shuffled down each aisle looking for items on her list. We were in the condiments aisle when I heard her proclaim loudly, "Where's the virgin, the recipe said it had to be a virgin!" You guessed it, she was looking for virgin olive oil.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Drive Through

Many years ago, when Pop was still driving, there was an incident we like to call "The Drive Through." Pop had just come back from the Wawa after purchasing his daily newspaper. He pulled into the driveway and just kept on going, right through our sunroom. The impact moved a couch inside the room several feet. My mom called me at school shortly afterward and said, "Pop bent the sunroom." That was an interesting way to put it and she failed to mention a car was involved. I was thinking that Pop had suddenly developed superhuman strength.

When I got home, I surveyed the damage. "Hummmm, a perfect right triangle," my math teacher mind was thinking. A perfect way to demonstrate the Pythagorean Theory. If the sunroom is perpendicular to the driveway and using Pop's car as the hypotenuse, how far did his car travel? A great example!

My husband, an engineer who designed the sunroom, had a completely different take on the event. After fixing the damage, he announced that the engineering was superb, no people were harmed in this event and it would be great advertising for the structure.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Simple Pleasures

A favorite past time for Pop is sitting on the porch with our big, black, goofy, Labrador retriever, Jazz. She and Pop love to gently rock on the swing while listening to the tinkle of the wind chimes. They will sit for hours snoozing or counting the cars go by. One day, when I got home from school, I heard Pop tell Jazz, "That was seven cars that got through that traffic light. The most all day!" Jazz watched Pop intently as he made this proclamation. Then they went back to watching the road, their heads moving in tandem to the passing cars. It reminded me of the last scene from the movie, "UP" where Carl and Russell are sitting on the curb watching the cars, "Red one, Blue one"

Friday, August 6, 2010

Those Little Records

New technology is a marvel to Pop. Ipods, cell phones, Internet, laptops, DVDs and CDs are wonders he never imagined possible growing up. So, when we purchased a CD player for him and Mom, along with several Lawrence Welk, Mitch Miller, and assorted Big Band CDs, he was left scratching his head. How could these little records could produce music? We didn't realize the extent of his perplexity until he asked why they didn't work when he flipped them over.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Who's on the phone, I don't know why they called

I know this is going to sound like an Abbott and Costello comedy routine, but this is stuff you just can't make up. Mom and Pop recently got new credit cards that had to be activated by calling an 800 number. Mom got the call started and activated her card. Then she said to the agent that she would like to activate her husband's card. The agent says that she must speak directly to him to get the information and warned mom and I that we could not prompt him. Did I mention that my Pop somewhat deaf? The conversation that ensued went something like this:

Agent to Pop: I need you to state your name.

Pop with phone to his ear: There's no one on this phone.

Agent repeats: Your name please.

Pop to me: What do you want me to do with this phone? Hang it up?

Agent: I want to help you activate your card

Pop: Oh wait, I think I hear something....no, nothing

Agent talking louder: OK, Albert, I have your name, what card number are you calling about?

Pop getting upset: I just can't hear, don't they know that?

Agent getting exasperated: Just answer "Yes" if this is your credit card number.

Pop: I think they want to know my phone number

Agent: Please put your daughter on the phone

Pop: What was that all about?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Celebrating Pop's 93rd Birthday at IHOP

IHOP is the favorite birthday destination for all nonagenarians...isn't it? (for those of you who are wondering nonagenarians are people between the ages of 90 and 99...but that's another story) Anyway, we are seated at a table for four getting ready to order when in walks a man, wearing very colorful vest and carrying a very large worn suitcase. As it turns out, Wednesday's at IHOP is a very special day and not just for Pop's birthday. It is balloon animal day! Well, Pop was thrilled with this entertainment that he was sure was prepared just for him. He even changed his seat to get a better view of the activities. After watching the "balloon man" make balloon flowers and balloon poodles for all the children, I approached him and asked him to make something special for Pop's birthday. He was glad to oblige. Pop was enthralled watching as the "balloon man's" creation came to life; a big, beautiful, colorful jester hat. Pop happily wore the hat all through dinner.

It was when we got home that the trouble began. I had just walked in from parking the car to hear Mom yelling at Pop. "What are you yelling at him for?" I asked, "It's his birthday."
"Oh, he broke his balloon hat," Mom said exaperated, "He just can't have anything nice!"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

At the Doctor's

While waiting for the doctor to come into the exam room, I was trying to keep Mom and Pop amused. (think 4 year olds) So after playing the third round of I Spy, I was well into my second chorus of song and dance to Father Abraham had Seven Sons. The doctor walked in grinning at the entertainment. His statement that Pop had lost 11 pounds since last year was alarming and he said we should try supplements to increase his calorie intake. My Pop, who can’t hear thunder, asked, "What is he saying?" I said, "The doctor is going to write you a prescription to get a banana split at Dairy Queen." Pop was delighted and the doctor said, “Am I the best doctor or what!!"