Sunday, December 16, 2012


Here was my conversation with Mom yesterday:

Mom: I swatted Inca (our cat) with a banana.
Me: A what?!
Mom: A banana
Me: Wasn't a newspaper good enough?
Mom: No fruit works best

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for family and friends, for good fortunes and good food. Our gathering was all of that and more. The guests arrived in a steady stream all day bringing goodies and lots of conversation. When my son and daughter-in-law arrived they greeted Mom Mom and Pop Pop and Lisa, who is 9 months pregnant with their first baby and our first grandchild, excused herself to go to the bathroom. She said, "the baby is going bouncy, bouncy on my bladder." As she left the room, Mom Mom announced, "Pop goes to the bathroom all the time, the baby must be going bouncy, bouncy on Pop's bladder too!"

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy roared through the East Coast two days ago and caused massive devastation and destruction in her path. Fortunately our household was spared much of her wrath but what to do with two bored old-timers who are shut in for long, rainy and windy days? Pop, ever the ultimate survivalist, drawing on skills honed from his days in the army, using his keen sense of timing and perseverance, his courage and fearlessness; man facing down the storm that raged around him. He created his own solution to this debacle. Draw pictures on the foggy windows with his finger. Here are the simple step by step instructions: breathe on the window, draw picture, erase with sleeve of shirt, repeat.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Riddle for you

What do Boo from Monster's Inc. and Pop have in common?

Both love to sing in the bathroom!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rated R

Our cat, Inca, loves Mom and Pop because they remain stationary for hours in their recliners. Therefore, Inca can "cat nap" for as long as they "human nap."  So, when Pop got up to go to the doctor's, he had cat hair all over him. Mom admonished Pop and grabbed the adhesive lint brush (this is the R rated part) and began  vigorously rolling it up and down Pop's crotch area. After several minutes of Mom's ministrations Pop announced, "Doll Baby, that's enough, Dolly Baby that's enough."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Top ten things you can count on Pop to say or do at dinner

1. I'm not really that hungry
2. Wow, is that all for me 
3. Is there anything else to eat?
4. Just give me a little bit.
5. What's for dessert?
6. What day is it?
7. What's on the program tonight? (Larry AKA Lawrence Welk)
8. I think I dropped something on the floor.
9. She won't pay any attention to me. (We're not sure if he is talking about Mom or the dog)
10. Make mine medium-rare.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

He Still Loves Her

My Dad has the sweetest habit in the world.  He constantly tells Mom he loves her.  It doesn’t matter what time of day or night, he will lean over her and say, “Have I told you today I love you?  Doll Baby, I love you!” Kind of endearing, right? Well, to be truthful, it drives Mom crazy!  This will continue all day and sometimes Mom grits her teeth and says,” Yeah!” and waves him away, because she is watching something really important on TV like Inmates Raw, Law & Order SVU, Bones or some other detective/murder story.  My sisters and I tell her all the time that she will miss him and his “Doll Baby, I love you!” when he is gone, but Mom is not persuaded.

One particular day when I was talking to Mom, I asked her how Dad was doing.  (He had popped a blood vessel in his eye when he sneezed.)  I asked her if he seemed any different, i.e., walking, speaking, etc. and she said without hesitation, “No, he still loves me!”

Thanks for another great post, from my regular guest blogger, my sister, Jackie.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pop is 95!!!

Yesterday was a momentous occasion. Pop turned 95 years old. Here are a few events and inventions that have occurred during his lifetime.

1917 zipper invented
1918 electrically propelled warship and solid propellant rockets
1919 pop-up toaster and rotary dial telephones
1920 radio compass, electric hearing aid, Q-tips and Band-aids
1921 polygraph
1922 microfilm
1923 Schick razors, self-winding watch, electric shaver, traffic signals
1924 Otis elevator-first automatic elevator
1926 first trans-Atlantic radio-telephone conversation, Kool-Aid, gas refrigerator
1927 proto-type of television  invented by Philo T. Farnsworth
1928 Scotch tape invented, introduction of sliced bread and bubble gum
1929 Dunlop Laboratories made foam rubber and 1st manned rocket plan flight
1930 1st red and green traffic lights installed in Manhattan NYC, masking tape, flashbulb and chocolate chip cookies
1931 ATT began commercial teletype services, The Bosch Semaphore was introduced. It was an orange arm that drivers could pop out the window to signal turns.
1932 1st patent was issued for a peach tree, Philips made is 1,000,000 radio
1933 1st aircraft carrier was christened: USS Ranger.
1934 test of practical radar apparatus was made by Rudolf Kuhnold in Germany, the Readphone was produced for putting literature and music on long-playing disks.
1935 ball point pen invented, RADAR, Pop graduated from Haverford High School
1936 screw-on bottle cap with pour lip was patented
1937 Ernest Vincent Wright wrote the novel Gadsby containing 50,100 words and none of the words contains the letter E.
1938 First color TV was demonstrated, 1st successful test of photocopier and parking meters
1939 September 1, 1939 WWII officially began and Uranium atom split
1940 Neptunium was discovered and named after the planet Neptune.
1941 Alfred Butts of NY invented the board game Scrabble.
1942 Twenty six countries agree to create the United Nations
1943 Silly Putty invented, originally made as a synthetic rubber during WWII and Slinky made from 80 feet of steel wire
1944 aerosol spray cans invented
1945 May 7, 1945 WWII officially ended, microwave was patented
1946 US patent was filed for H-bomb
1947 Bell labs invented cellular phone technology
1948 first tape recorder and Polaroid camera was sold, production of 33 1/3 records, X-rays
1949 Frank J. Zamboni invented the Zamboni Ice Resurfacing Machine, 45 RPM records
1950 disposable diapers, Korean War begins on June 25
1952 UPC codes invented
1953 Korean War cease fire on July 27
1954 First time a mile was run in under 4 minutes by Roger Banniste, Sports Illustrated first issue
1955 Velcro invented, Vietnam war began on November 1
1956 Play-Doh patented
1957 Peak of the Baby Boomers years
1958 LEGOS patented

1975 Vietnam war ends on April 30
an amazing list condensed into 95 years .

Thursday, June 21, 2012


NPR is doing a series on “Thanks for the Music Mom & Dad” where listeners are asked “how, for better or worse, has your parents' record collection shaped your own taste in music?”
While listening to this series on my NPdrive home from work,  the first interview was with Audra McDonald.  She was talking about Christopher Plummer singing Edelweiss in the Sound of Music.
I had a flashback of Dad, with our record player he purchased while he was a member of the Columbia Record Club.  It was gray and white, with two side speakers that you unbuckled from the sides.  One of Dad’s favorite records was the Broadway recording of the Sound of Music.  I can still hear him singing along with Theodore Bickel to Edelweiss.  Edelweiss is still one of Dad’s all-time favorite songs.
It still amazes me how something as simple as a song, can stir up so many memories.

Thanks Dad!

Thanks to my guest blogger, my sister Jackie, for this great memory of Dad.

PS I remember Grandmom sitting on the green metal glider on the big stone front porch playing her old banjo and singing Edelweiss.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy 60th Anniversary

Today is Mom and Pop's 60th Anniversary. I'll try to be brief as I give you a rundown of the days' events.

Yesterday I asked Pop what he would like to get Mom for their anniversary. His response, "When is it?" "It's tomorrow." "Oh, okay, I guess a new car" My husband then tells Mom that he made reservations for dinner at IHop tomorrow night. Mom: "Don't you dare." Husband: "I already did!" Later that evening, Mom to me: " He better not make reservations at IHoo."
Me: "Dinner for four tomorrow at 5:30 PM." (Death stare number 1)

Next day, on the kitchen table are three anniversary cards, and gifts for Pop. Pop: "What's all this for?" Mom: "It's our 60th anniversary today." Pop: "How many years have we been married?" Mom: "60"

Fast forward 6:00 PM:

So, off we go to IHope. Mom: " He won't eat anything there." Husband: "Their specialty is sushi."Pop: "Where are we going?" Me: "We are late for our reservations." (Death stare number 2)

We enter IPop.  Mom: "We should have gone to Olive Garden." Husband: "I hear their hollandaise sauce is great!" Pop: "Why are we going out to dinner?"  I kept my mouth shut this time.

The waitress at HopOnPop serves us dinner: Mom: "Lots of old people here!" Husband: "Who put the coffee in Pop's cream and sugar. Pop: "Would you look at the size of that fellow!"

Later that evening:
Ice cream cake was served and on the top written in icing Happy Anniversary. Pop: "Who got married?" Pop wasn't looking at Mom but I'm pretty sure he would not have survived the death stare.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Name that Turd!

Today I came home from school and was greeted by Mom screeching at Pop, "Where's the plunger?!" She repeated louder, "Where's the plunger?!"  As I approached their apartment, I heard a toilet flushing, water running and then I went running, as my superhero, alter ego, Toxic Avenger to the rescue!

WARNING: If you are squeamish, stop reading here...
Floating in yellow water rimming to the toilet seat were several turds in various states of decomposition. I sprang into action trying to avoid a catastrophic environmental cleanup.

Flashback to earlier this afternoon, Pop uses the bathroom and then uses wads and wads of TP. He neglects to flush the toilet. Mom goes in to use the bathroom and when she flushes, the clog is immediately evident.

Meanwhile, Pop is content to sit in the recliner watching the TV at ear-piercing volume and remains blissfully unaware of his part in this near disaster that created a foul ecosystem that had been brewing for hours. After everything was cleaned up, Pop asks, "What did Mom need the plunger for?"

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Merchant of Venice

Mom's modern day version of this Shakespeare classic goes like this

Act I:
Narrator: As of January 1, 2012 Mom and Pop's private insurance will be changed to Medicare Advantage.
Mom (in her best Shakespearean dialect): Forsooth, why oh why must it be changed?  What option (casket) should I choose?

Act II: Two weeks later:
Mobile Lab: I'm coming out tomorrow morning to draw some blood that your doctor (Shylock) ordered.
Narrator: The Mobile Lab arrives, draws three vials of blood from Mom and two vials from Pop. Mom is upset because they took so much blood, they usually only take one vial of blood and only from me, not from Pop.

Later that same day: Mom received two phone calls. One from the doctor's office confirming an appointment for Pop and the other from the Mobile Lab at the hospital about their blood work results and questions about insurance information.

Mom is convinced that the reason they took so much blood (a pound of flesh)  is because of the faulty new insurance plan and they are accepting blood in lieu of insurance payments.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Pop's Wardrobe Choices

I've mentioned in previous posts what a snappy dresser Pop is but these two photos explain it better than any description I could write.

On the left Pop rocking the Hugh Hefner look and on the right a classic Bill Murray, Caddy Shack. If you look closely you can see his
Haverford scarf embroidered with
                                                     Class of 1935!