Wednesday, July 11, 2012

He Still Loves Her

My Dad has the sweetest habit in the world.  He constantly tells Mom he loves her.  It doesn’t matter what time of day or night, he will lean over her and say, “Have I told you today I love you?  Doll Baby, I love you!” Kind of endearing, right? Well, to be truthful, it drives Mom crazy!  This will continue all day and sometimes Mom grits her teeth and says,” Yeah!” and waves him away, because she is watching something really important on TV like Inmates Raw, Law & Order SVU, Bones or some other detective/murder story.  My sisters and I tell her all the time that she will miss him and his “Doll Baby, I love you!” when he is gone, but Mom is not persuaded.

One particular day when I was talking to Mom, I asked her how Dad was doing.  (He had popped a blood vessel in his eye when he sneezed.)  I asked her if he seemed any different, i.e., walking, speaking, etc. and she said without hesitation, “No, he still loves me!”

Thanks for another great post, from my regular guest blogger, my sister, Jackie.

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