Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy 60th Anniversary

Today is Mom and Pop's 60th Anniversary. I'll try to be brief as I give you a rundown of the days' events.

Yesterday I asked Pop what he would like to get Mom for their anniversary. His response, "When is it?" "It's tomorrow." "Oh, okay, I guess a new car" My husband then tells Mom that he made reservations for dinner at IHop tomorrow night. Mom: "Don't you dare." Husband: "I already did!" Later that evening, Mom to me: " He better not make reservations at IHoo."
Me: "Dinner for four tomorrow at 5:30 PM." (Death stare number 1)

Next day, on the kitchen table are three anniversary cards, and gifts for Pop. Pop: "What's all this for?" Mom: "It's our 60th anniversary today." Pop: "How many years have we been married?" Mom: "60"

Fast forward 6:00 PM:

So, off we go to IHope. Mom: " He won't eat anything there." Husband: "Their specialty is sushi."Pop: "Where are we going?" Me: "We are late for our reservations." (Death stare number 2)

We enter IPop.  Mom: "We should have gone to Olive Garden." Husband: "I hear their hollandaise sauce is great!" Pop: "Why are we going out to dinner?"  I kept my mouth shut this time.

The waitress at HopOnPop serves us dinner: Mom: "Lots of old people here!" Husband: "Who put the coffee in Pop's cream and sugar. Pop: "Would you look at the size of that fellow!"

Later that evening:
Ice cream cake was served and on the top written in icing Happy Anniversary. Pop: "Who got married?" Pop wasn't looking at Mom but I'm pretty sure he would not have survived the death stare.

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