Sunday, October 9, 2011

Albert and Andy

Albert (94) and Andy (92) barely knew each other but for Pop they were best friends. They had two things in common: They both served in the Army during WWII and saw each other every Sunday night. Pop knew alot about Andy, Andy didn't know a thing about Pop."He was war correspondent for the Stars and Stripes. He flew on the first American bombing raid over Germany. He's written lots of books." Pop would brag about his "old friend."

Andy's stories on A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney made Pop happy. Pop sat in his recliner facing Andy sitting behind his walnut desk. "He made that desk himself," Pop would boast.

But Pop never bragged about himself. While Andy was in the air, Pop was on the ground during Germany's relentless air raids to stop the progress of American GI's. Pop slept in fox holes and watched his army buddies die. Pop has never written a book. He's never made anything.  He has made lasting relationships, raised three daughters, married his sweetheart 59 years ago. Pop has lived his a quiet, modest life, proud of the simple things in life. He loves his family and cantaloupe.

I know Pop’s Sundays will not be the same now. So while Pop laments the loss of his BFF, Andy, we give thanks that he still has Larry (Lawrence Welk), the Daily News, the Inquirer and cantaloupe, lots of cantaloupe.

Thanks to my sister Jackie for this post!

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