Sunday, October 9, 2011

We shared a laugh last night...

a genuine belly laugh, a good old fashioned laugh out loud laugh! This might not seem monumental but for Mom this was a major event.

I was just beginning Mom and Pops's monthly pedicures and had to borrow Pop's nail clippers. He warned, "make sure you put them back where they belong!" The key phrase is, "where they belong." You see, Pop has developed a bit of OCD as he has gotten older. If you saw the top of his bureau you would understand.  It's like a map, everything is located by latitude and longitude, a place for everything and everything in its place, and the dust makes perfect little impressions where each item belongs. I took one look at Mom, she had that old twinkle in her eye (one I haven't seen in a while) and she knew mischief was about to happen. I "innocently" put them back in the wrong place. I asked Mom to watch and let me know how long it took before Pop realized my "mistake." It didn't take long. We waited until Pop went into the bedroom and when we heard a "Hey!" emerge from Pop ( famous for his sound effects), we giggled like school girls who had just shared a secret.

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