Friday, July 1, 2011

Furniture Shopping at Mealey's

On day, Mom decided they needed new recliners. "The other recliners are in 'perfect' condition," Mom said, "but I want new ones." So off we went to Mealey's. After an extensive search through an acre of furniture, Mom selected two power chairs in matching gold color. Story finished; no, just beginning...

The salesperson directed us to the Mealey's Cafe, which has a selection of snack foods to eat while completing the paperwork for the sale. You have heard the expression, "like a kid in a candy store," truer words have never been spoken. The salesperson said to Mom and Pop help yourself. Everything is free! Mom opened her purse and began filling it with wrapped candies like she was at the diner loading it with coffee creamers. Pop asked, "Where do we pay for this stuff?" Meanwhile, Mom had moved on to the freezer was busy raiding it for ice cream. Mom finally sat down at the table with a dixie cup in one hand, which she handed to Pop, and ice cream sandwich in the other. Pop asked, "Who do we pay for this stuff?"  By now, the salesperson had been waiting patiently for five minutes. Story finished, not yet, there's more....

Pop, "I can't use this wooden spoon, do you have a regular spoon?" Mom was up again selecting her second choice of ice cream and we still haven't started the paperwork.  Finally, the "kids" settled down and in between dripping ice cream and empty candy wrappers, the sale was finalized. At the end of the transaction, I asked where the restroom was, the salesperson directed me and then said, "I'll babysit for awhile."

As we were leaving the store, Pop said, "We didn't pay for all that stuff."

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