Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The American GI and the German Professor

 During dinner, Pop will often tell stories about the Great War but he never mentions the actual fighting and war, only friendships. Just last night at dinner he told a story about a Professor that he met after the war. He was a German who taught English at the University. The American GIs were not allowed to speak to the German people. But Pop did and they became friends, if only for a short time. The Professor invited Pop to dinner and he accepted. Pop knew that he had two little girls and due to the war they did not have many possessions. On his way to dinner, Pop passed by a shoe store that had been raided, windows broken and much of the store destroyed. Pop went in and found two pair of brand new shoes that he thought might fit the girls. He left payment on the counter for the shoes. When he gave them to the girls they were overjoyed and hugged him, an American GI. Pop enjoyed dinner with the Professors' family. Pop commented on the delicious chicken. The girls giggled and then corrected him, "It's rabbit!" they said in unison.

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