Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Star Gazing

STAR DATE: 3/7/2011- 10:00 PM
The night was cold, the sky was black, and the stars were clear and bright. There was a new moon. The perfect evening for star gazing. Pop and I bundled up and went outside to watch the stars. As we stood in the driveway and gazed up at these brilliant points of light, we watched in wonder at the shining constellations and planets that were displayed against the velvet sky. We huddled together for warmth, me holding Pop in my arms so he could keep his balance as he craned his neck to pick out another shining jewel, "Look at that one!" "There's more stars over there!" "I wonder what is that cluster of stars?" Pop said excitedly as he pointed toward the northeastern sky.

For the next several minutes, we stood quietly, observing the show overhead. If you have never paused to watch the stars and then pause again to see the stars reflected back in your Pop's eyes, you are missing something wonderful, try it sometime!

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