Friday, March 11, 2011

Choose Your Own Adventure

As "I have may have told you before," Pop frequently tells the same story over and over and just as frequently he changes one or two details to the story (just to keep us guessing). It reminds me of the books my sons used to read as children, Choose Your Own Adventure books. You know, the kind of book where you get to make the decisions as to what the main character does next. Here is Pop's version.

He is walking to school and crosses a
a: cow pasture (turn to page 2)
b: dirt path (turn to page 5)
c: river (turn to page 6)

 He notices a patches of
a. scallions (turn to page 7)
b: garlic (turn to page 8)
c. radishes (turn to page 11)

He decides to eat them on the way to school. Unbeknown to Pop, his dog,
a. Monk
b. Buster
c. Sargent

follows him to school. His teacher,
a. Miss Buckworthy
b. Miss Buckwald
c. Miss Buckwheat

yells at him for eating those smelly vegetables and for bringing his dog to school. Meanwhile at recess, his brother,
a. Jack
b. Lou
c. Cork

gets into a fight.  Pop is in more trouble for coming to his rescue and is called to the principal's office.
a. Mrs. O'Leary
b. Mrs. O'Donnell
c. Mrs. O'Reilly

always wears her hair in a
a. bun
b. beehive
c. braid wrapped around her head

She tells Pop,
a. "Let your brother fight his own fights"
b. "March to your own drummer."
c. "You bold and brazen article!"

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