Sunday, June 4, 2017

Vocabulary Lesson

Directions: Underline the vocabulary word, provide a definition and use it in a sentence.

1. Stroller -  n; a wheeled device used by Elderfolk to move slowly across a
smooth surface; walker.
                  "I was properly trained in the use of my stroller."

2. Go-cart - n; a wheeled device used by Elderfolk to move quickly across a
smooth surface; walker
                "Look how fast I can move with my go-cart."

3. Buttonhook - n; an appliance used to remove items that are on a high shelf; hanger.
                 "I pulled all those hats down from the shelf in my closet with the buttonhook.

4. Pillow Casen; small plastic compartmentalized box for holding daily medications; pill box
                "I lost my Tuesday pillow case behind the recliner."

5. Pop - v. to pass on, push up daisies, kicked the bucket.
                "Don't throw out those shoes, so I can wear them when I pop."


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