Friday, February 19, 2016

Relatively Pleasant Day, if it hadn't started so early.

Pop's dementia is progressing but generally he is good-natured and provides us with opportunities to laugh.

According to Pop, we had a lot of plans on this sunny day. First thing in the morning, 4:00 AM, we played a round of golf (18 holes, I lost) then 2 sets of tennis (I lost), by late afternoon, we strolled along the Atlantic City boardwalk (sans the sunscreen) watched the young couples going by, judged a beauty pageant, and saw bunnies hopping on the beach. If it wasn't for the darn mosquitoes and mice, it would have been the perfect day.

Unfortunately, there were a few dark clouds on the horizon too. It was getting late and his  mom and dad would be worried, so we had to hurry home. When we arrived home, his childhood home has changed so much since he has been gone and nothing looked the same. He had problems during the war but never one like this. Pop asks, "What should I do?"

Pop has been awake for over 24 hours, medications given to sedate him have been ineffective, sleep is elusive. I ask, "What should I do?"

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