Saturday, July 9, 2016


Seasons change, holidays pass, life goes on. Father's day, 99th birthday, birth of a new great-granddaughter. It's true, life does go on.

My granddaughter keeps things lively, entertaining MomMom as only Hannah can do. Her newest talent is polishing nails. She marched into MomMom's house and announced, "I'm going to polish your nails." Mom complied with her request. Here is the proof of Hannah's expertise.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day Pop!

Dear Pop,
I hope you are doing great! Today is Memorial Day and Jackie, Monica and I went to Mass at Sacred Heart Church. The Catholic War Vets had a ceremony that included a Flag procession, Gun salute and Taps. They had a plaque made with your name on it and it was placed on a larger plaque with other vets who have served. Uncle Jack's name was there too. Lots of people attended and the rain stopped, so we could move outside to complete the ceremony. (Thanks Pop)

Mom is doing OK, she misses you a lot even though she tries not to let us know. She is still good at giving orders and me at complying with them. (Although I'm not a good a soldier at you are, I'm trying)

Her orders for this Memorial Day were to put your flag on the flag pole and make sure the plaque was placed on the swing. Oh, I forgot to tell you about that. We had plaque made for your spot on the swing. I'll always look at the spot and think of you, Pop. I love you!

Love, Kathy

Friday, March 4, 2016

March Fourth

In memory of Pop, today is the day "everyone steps out."
             (Think about'll get it.)

Pop was a clever man with word play. I'm sure he is up in heaven right now "punishing the fizzle."

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Just call me Gru

I went back to school a few days ago after an extended absence of five days. The students were very excited to see me. (but not excited enough to give their naughtiness a break) The day began in a typical way and I was still feeling pretty low. One little girl asked, "Mrs. Matthews, do you need a hug?" I replied, "I always need a hug." She wove her way through the desks to the front of the room and gave me a nice hug. When I looked behind her, almost the entire class had gotten in line behind her to get a hug.

I felt a little like Gru and the minions.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Goodnight Irene

My husband said that Pop was the perpetual shuffler. He always shuffled his way around the house. "Pop is going to shuffle his way into heaven."

The doctor said, "People often die the way they lived."

The hospice nurse said he was a fighter, he loved life so much, "You don't get to be 98 by being a wimp."

I said, how do you end a life story?  With a kiss and a prayer and every dream come true...

I'll end it with the song that Pop and I sang every night before he went to bed.
Goodnight Irene,
Goodnight Irene,
I'll see you in my dreams

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Give My Regards to Broadway

Pop has been non-responsive and non-verbal for five days now but the doctor assures us the he can still hear when we speak to him. The long hours spent in vigil at his bedside have been heart breaking. To keep the mood upbeat and to prove the doctor's point, my sisters and I have been "entertaining Pop with campfire songs from our childhood, much to Mom's chagrin. We had to pause for a brief commercial break when the nurse arrived to give Pop his meds. She chuckled at our choice of songs and we giggled in embarrassment that people in the hallway heard our renditions.

For our next selection, we chose a patriotic theme, we thought was appropriate for Pop, a WWII vet. We are now rehearsing for a medley of show tunes from Broadway. Pop, for better or worse, is a captive audience.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Relatively Pleasant Day, if it hadn't started so early.

Pop's dementia is progressing but generally he is good-natured and provides us with opportunities to laugh.

According to Pop, we had a lot of plans on this sunny day. First thing in the morning, 4:00 AM, we played a round of golf (18 holes, I lost) then 2 sets of tennis (I lost), by late afternoon, we strolled along the Atlantic City boardwalk (sans the sunscreen) watched the young couples going by, judged a beauty pageant, and saw bunnies hopping on the beach. If it wasn't for the darn mosquitoes and mice, it would have been the perfect day.

Unfortunately, there were a few dark clouds on the horizon too. It was getting late and his  mom and dad would be worried, so we had to hurry home. When we arrived home, his childhood home has changed so much since he has been gone and nothing looked the same. He had problems during the war but never one like this. Pop asks, "What should I do?"

Pop has been awake for over 24 hours, medications given to sedate him have been ineffective, sleep is elusive. I ask, "What should I do?"

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Happy 90th Birthday Mom

Although it is belated, we wish you the best 90th Birthday ever, Mom!

Poops! Bloops! Oops!

Pop had another fall. This one resulted in hospitalization. He is not the best patient, nor does he have much patience. He insisted on having his bed directly in front of the door to see the activities outside his room. He would wave to the nurses, doctors and staff members who would smile and wave back.

The doctor came in with Pop's paperwork attached and ordered several tests. He said, we need to find the cause for this fall; dizziness, dehydration, low blood pressure. He went on to list several other factors that could have contributed to this fall.

I offered the doctor my diagnosis...he slipped on the poop on the bathroom floor. Without a moment's hesitation, the doctor responded, "I don't see a check box for that" My reply, "Can we list it under other?"