Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy 89th Birthday Mom!

Another year for Mom to celebrate being Queen for a Day! A juicy hamburger with all the trimmings and ice cream cake was on the menu, the birthday girl's favorite foods.

Her favorite part of the day was a visit from her great-daughter Hannah. Here is part of the dinner conversation:
Pop: Hannah, you're full of soup.
Pop: Hannah, you're full of soup.
Pop: I love you (a favorite saying of Pop's, he points to his eye, then his heart and then at Hannah)
Pop: I love you (same gestures)
         (Pop can't remember what he said 5 seconds ago)
So far a one-sided conversation to which Hannah replied patiently, "PopPop I'm busy eating"
Pop: Hannah, you're full of malarkey
That got Hannah's attention. She tried to repeat it...malarkey...malarkey
Hannah: You're so silly, PopPop!