Thursday, January 22, 2015

Pee Slippers

Pop has been having difficulty steering his stream of pee into the toilet. He seems to miss the mark every time. The urine usually ends on his slippers or on the floor in front of the toilet. We have tried the usual methods to encourage accurate aim. Cheerios and bulls eye targets floating in the bowl have not had the desired results. So Mom decided to take things into her own hands…literally. She follows Pop into the bathroom and holds it for him while he pees. My husband remarked, “it gives a whole new meaning to the marriage vows…to have and to hold.”

Quote from the book, The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared: 
"The 100-year-old man set off in his pee-slippers (so called because men of advanced age rarely pee farther than their shoes)" Pop is just 2 years shy of the 100-year mark.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy 89th Birthday Mom!

Another year for Mom to celebrate being Queen for a Day! A juicy hamburger with all the trimmings and ice cream cake was on the menu, the birthday girl's favorite foods.

Her favorite part of the day was a visit from her great-daughter Hannah. Here is part of the dinner conversation:
Pop: Hannah, you're full of soup.
Pop: Hannah, you're full of soup.
Pop: I love you (a favorite saying of Pop's, he points to his eye, then his heart and then at Hannah)
Pop: I love you (same gestures)
         (Pop can't remember what he said 5 seconds ago)
So far a one-sided conversation to which Hannah replied patiently, "PopPop I'm busy eating"
Pop: Hannah, you're full of malarkey
That got Hannah's attention. She tried to repeat it...malarkey...malarkey
Hannah: You're so silly, PopPop!