Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Nick's Birthday and Kathleen's Wedding Day

October 11, 2014  marked a fantastic occasion for my nephew and his bride...they married, they celebrated, they danced, they loved...their family, their friends, each other.

Mom and Pop were especially excited to get fancied up for the festivities. Both looked stunning in the new outfits, Pop in his tux and Mom in her stylish pantsuit.

Here are snippets of the conversations that ensued that evening:

Pop: Why do I have to wear a tux?
Mom: Nick's wedding
Grandson: PopPop you look awesome in your tux!
Mom: You can have it when he's dead.

Pop: Why do I have to wear a tux?
Husband: Nick's birthday

We arrive at the Church

Pop: Why do I have to wear a tux?
Mom: Nick asked you to
Pop:Why does Nick want me to wear a tux?
Mom: He's getting married
Pop: When?

One the way home:
Pop: Why did I have to wear this tux?

“Did you ever get the feeling that the world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?” –George Gobel

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