Friday, June 13, 2014

Who's on the Phone? - Part 2

It happened again. I had to call Mom and Pop's mail order pharmacy to put their prescriptions on automatic refill. It is usually a routine phone call. I talk to a customer service representative and their medicine it sent out every three months for the entire year.

Not so routine this time. The rep requested to speak to Pop to get his permission. Oh boy, I thought, this is not going to go well. I explained that he is deaf and hard of hearing but she insisted. She didn't know what she was getting into.

I held the phone close to Pop's mouth and ear and asked him,

Me: Can I put your prescriptions on automatic refill? while vigorously shaking my head up and down

Pop: I don't know what you're saying.

Me: I want to have your medicines delivered automatically. Again shaking my head affirmatively. Pop did not take the hint.

Pop: What if I don't want them to be delivered automatically?

Me: Covering the phone with my hand, Just say YES!?$%

Sunday, June 8, 2014

60 Minutes

Pop often refers to his favorite Sunday evening TV program as 60 Seconds. He never misses an episode. Tonight, we were just finishing dinner and I said, "Pop, 60 Seconds is on." He said, "Oh, boy I better hurry!" He shuffles, as only Pop can shuffle, slowly off to his recliner. Husband turns to me and says, by the time he gets there, there will be only 49 seconds left!"