Thursday, January 23, 2014

Two long days and nights

For the past two days we have been experiencing heavy snowfalls, frosty winds and long dark nights. That's just the weather outside. Here at our home we have been experiencing the worst of winter storms...Typhoon Tess that developed quickly off the East coast as a result of clashing with the incoming system...lost school ring.

Tuesday afternoon, Pop lost his school ring, a cherished keepsake from his father, given to him when he graduated from high school in 1935.  We stripped the bed, inspected in the Combos bag, tissue box, and sugar bowl. In single digit temperatures, we combed through the trash and recycling bins looking at every frozen tissue, banana peel and coffee grounds. We took apart the kitchen and bathroom sink, and used the auger on the toilet (for more info on the auger see post Toxic Avenger) We searched under the bed, in his dresser drawers, behind the recliners, under every cushion, blanket and pillow. We explored inside his closet, shoes, slippers, coat, gloves. We scrutinized the cuffs of his pants and pockets of his flannel shirts, bathrobe and winter coat.

Throughout it all Mom remained calm and reassuring, asking pertinent questions, such as, "which hand do you use to shake it?" (refer to post We're Not Talking about Driving) Pop remained stoic and forlorn. He did much of the searching too, inspecting the same places over and over and over in a systematic routine typical of his OCD (see post  Extreme It was a sad, sad two days for all.

Finally at 8:03 PM, wonderful husband to the rescue!!! He looked where we had neglected to look, in Mom's dresser drawers. In the second drawer on the right side of the bureau underneath all of Mom's bras was the ring. Pop doesn't know how it could have gotten there. Husband's explanation was perfect, "it's a guy thing, you don't want to get out of practice!"

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