Monday, November 21, 2011

Shopping for Pasties

Mom loves to go grocery shopping. She clips coupons and makes lists. The problem is that sometimes the lists are difficult to decipher. One item was particularly perplexing. She had written pop-up pasties. She could have meant pop-top cans, pastries, pop-tarts, or pasta or....possibly she really wanted pasties; sexy, pop-up pasties w/tassels. I looked all over Giant for them  (even in the stripper accessories aisle) but couldn't find them anywhere!

Cafe Ristorante

The elderly couple shuffles into the cafe at the 6:00 PM sharp and take their usual seats at the counter. The waitress recites the menu for tonight but Pop prefers to order a la carte and asks, "Is there anything else to eat?" "Yeah, cold cereal," the waitress adds sweetly.

Dinner is brought to their table piping hot but Mom complains, "this meat is overcooked and it's not even hot!" Pop adds,"I'm not really hungry." Meanwhile, Mom is cleaning her plate of the meal that was overdone and the waitress has microwaved to the desired temperature. She grumbles because the stool is too small and she can't get comfortable. Pop pushes his food around on his plate to make it appear that he has actually eaten while he patiently waits for dessert.

Dessert is cinnamon buns, but again he asks, "Is there anything else?" Oreos and Tastycakes are brought to their table. He chooses the original option and then requests butter. The waitress clears off the dirty plates and silverware and prepares the dessert. Pop is eager for his dessert because he hasn't eaten his dinner and asks the waitress again for butter for his cinnamon bun. (The cafe is short-staffed tonight.) He states the obvious when he says, "This butter is cold" but he lets that slide because the waitress has microwaved his cinnamon bun and the butter melts instantly.

The weary waitress cleans the remnants of their meal from the table, sans a tip, as the elderly couple leave the Ristorante to return again tomorrow night.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pop Discovers YouTube

Tonight after dinner, Pop recalled a favorite song from the 40's called Turn the Radio On. I decided to Google the lyrics to the song and sure enough, they had a version of the song on YouTube. It wasn't long before Pop requested, Tennessee Waltz, I Want to Go Where You Go, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Buttons and Bows and other wildly popular Top 10 hits.

Pop sat with the headphones on, singing along as he conducted just like Lawrence Welk. He stopped after each song and asked where do you put the tape in for these songs? How did you get them in there with the movie? Is it just like TV? No explanation I gave could convince him that the waves around us found their way into my computer. I finally told him it was magic!