Sunday, October 17, 2010

Big Boy Boo Boos

Most of these tales seem to revolve around doctor's visits, because that is what we do...visit doctors. Last week I took mom to the dentist. As we walked to the office, I took my eyes off Pop for one second to help mom up the incline and Pop fell. Fortunately, he was not hurt but did suffer a skinned knee and two scuffed knuckles. As we walked into the office, Pop sat down and promptly pulled his pant leg up to reveal his rug-burned knee. "Ooo, Oww, it hurts," Pop complained. I asked the receptionist if she had a bandaid. After I positioned the bandaid on his knee, Pop said, " I hurt my knuckles too!" Another request to the receptionist for two more bandaids, and after placement, he was satisfied and surveyed his wounds as he sat patiently in the waiting room with one pant leg pulled up.

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