Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Test

This post provides definitive proof that elder folk turn into four year olds. My nephew graduated from Villanova this year with his MBA (Congrats Nick!) We celebrated by going to a restaurant. My niece, who is four and my mother sat next to each other counting the sugar packets and rearranging the flatware. I asked my niece about school and what was her favorite subject. She said, "Give me a test, Aunt Kathy." "OK," I said, "The topic is animals." Mom and Alice were immediately attentive and delighted at this challenge.

First question: What kind of animal has a horn coming out of its forehead?

Alice: A unicorn                                Mom: A rhino

Second question: What kind of animal hibernates and eats honey?

Alice: Winnie the Pooh                      Mom: a bear

Third and final question: What kind of animal has stripes?

Alice: a zebra                                     Mom: Tony the Tiger?

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