Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day Pop!

Dear Pop,
I hope you are doing great! Today is Memorial Day and Jackie, Monica and I went to Mass at Sacred Heart Church. The Catholic War Vets had a ceremony that included a Flag procession, Gun salute and Taps. They had a plaque made with your name on it and it was placed on a larger plaque with other vets who have served. Uncle Jack's name was there too. Lots of people attended and the rain stopped, so we could move outside to complete the ceremony. (Thanks Pop)

Mom is doing OK, she misses you a lot even though she tries not to let us know. She is still good at giving orders and me at complying with them. (Although I'm not a good a soldier at you are, I'm trying)

Her orders for this Memorial Day were to put your flag on the flag pole and make sure the plaque was placed on the swing. Oh, I forgot to tell you about that. We had plaque made for your spot on the swing. I'll always look at the spot and think of you, Pop. I love you!

Love, Kathy