Thursday, February 9, 2012

Name that Turd!

Today I came home from school and was greeted by Mom screeching at Pop, "Where's the plunger?!" She repeated louder, "Where's the plunger?!"  As I approached their apartment, I heard a toilet flushing, water running and then I went running, as my superhero, alter ego, Toxic Avenger to the rescue!

WARNING: If you are squeamish, stop reading here...
Floating in yellow water rimming to the toilet seat were several turds in various states of decomposition. I sprang into action trying to avoid a catastrophic environmental cleanup.

Flashback to earlier this afternoon, Pop uses the bathroom and then uses wads and wads of TP. He neglects to flush the toilet. Mom goes in to use the bathroom and when she flushes, the clog is immediately evident.

Meanwhile, Pop is content to sit in the recliner watching the TV at ear-piercing volume and remains blissfully unaware of his part in this near disaster that created a foul ecosystem that had been brewing for hours. After everything was cleaned up, Pop asks, "What did Mom need the plunger for?"