Monday, September 5, 2011

You Be the Judge!

Last week Mom called me a whore. I guess I should be upset, but you have to realize that sometimes what she says and what she means are two different things. She was watching a TV program called Hoarding: Buried Alive. Here is a picture of my sewing room. You can judge for yourself.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Punch Lines that should be on Cartoon Strips.

It begins as soon as their feet touch the doctor's waiting room floor:
1. Pop proclaims loudly, "Look at how tall that fellow is." He pauses and then adds, "but little feet."
2. Mom is scrutinizing me as I read a Time magazine. She inquires, "What do you do to your mustache?" She doesn't miss a beat and shares, "I use adhesive tape."
3. After the appointment, Pop had to use the bathroom. I told him the second door is the men's room. Of course, he went into the ladies room.